Monday, September 26, 2011


I took these photos of an old cathedral while I was in Xela, Guatemala a couple of months ago. 
What inspired me to start snapping these photos was the enormity of the Cathedral versus the fragility of the tiny beggar woman on the steps. As I took these pictures, I noticed that I captured a story. The first image of the beggar woman by herself. The second photo shows a family walking past who appear to not even notice the beggar. The third shows a girl who, after she walked a few steps past, turned and went back to drop a coin in the beggar woman's basket.
God, sometimes we fail to recognize you at crucial moments in our life. We pass you by on the street everday. We have to turn around and look again before we see you. Sometimes we even have to take a few steps back to meet you before we can go forward again.

Suggested reading for further reflection: Matthew 21:28-32 & Matthew 18: 3-4

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