The following articles have recently been uploaded to the Glenmary Website.
Daydreaming About Turkeys and More -Thanksgiving means much more than eating turkey, but we do have that and a whole lot more during our annual student and discerners Thanksgiving weekend gathering.

By Wilmar Zabala, Vocation Counselor
On All Souls Day I gave thanks for my Uncle Russ, who----among other things----taught me the love of God.

By Father Dominic Duggins, Glenmary Senior Member
Father Dominic reflects on how he has had to learn "to let go and let God" and on what a difference it has made in his life as a Glenmary missioner.

For many years, mission pastor Father Vic Subb has continued his Thanksgiving tradition of hosting large dinners in the mission areas where he serves. It's one more way of bringing people together to thank God, share blessings, and build community. In 2014, he hosted and cooked a meal for over 70 people at his modest home. He's planning another dinner for Thanksgiving 2015!
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