Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
As we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, let us pray for all those who will be baptized today in the Glenmary missions and for those who are preparing to enter the church in one of the mission parishes this coming Easter.
"Baptism gives us this new hope: the hope of going on the path of salvation our whole life long. And this hope nothing and no one can extinguish, for it is a hope that does not disappoint. Remember, hope in the Lord never disappoints. Thanks to Baptism, we are capable of forgiving and of loving even those who offend us and do evil to us. By our Baptism, we recognize in the least and in the poor the face of the Lord who visits us and makes himself close. Baptism helps us to recognize in the face of the needy, the suffering, and also of our neighbor, the face of Jesus. All this is possible thanks to the power of Baptism!" Pope Francis
During his General audience this past week, Pope Francis recommended that we all know our baptism date; "find out, ask for the date of your Baptism. As I know my birthday, I should know my Baptism day, because it is a feast day." Vatican Website
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