Friday, July 29, 2011

Guest Blogger III

While I am out of the country I thought I would share a guest blogger.
Today's question is:
What is the most difficult thing(s) you have ever had to let go? How did you do it?

Deacon Cris Adongo, St. Meinrad, Ind.

After graduating from high school in 1997, I secured a job with Kenya Commercial Bank in my hometown. I was very young and to the eyes of most clients that were coming to the bank, there was a bright future. My work mates were so kind to me.

There was a strong team support. I enjoyed every minute with them. During this time I had a feeling that I belonged at the bank. On the other end, I saw myself being a missionary priest in far lands.

When I finally made up my mind to go, it was not easy parting ways with this nice friendly people that have been like a second family to me to the unknown vocation. Leaving my own family was equally difficult. I had to let go of my work, the people

I know and love to the mission that I was not sure of, meeting and working with the people that are different from me. I knew that life will never be the same again. I had to let go and bloom where I am planted by being present. The same principal has been driving me. It may be a struggle at times but I have to bloom.

Everybody loves flowers!!

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