Sunday, January 23, 2011

Andrew and Peter Search for Meaning

Jesus believed in Andrew and Peter and called them to follow him and to share in his ministry: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men. At once they left their nets and followed him.” I have wondered how could they leave "at once?" I have to believe that they were not satisfied in their current job - working to make money and had to have felt an overpowering urge to find something more meaningful in their lives and Jesus' call inspired them to move "at once."
Like Andrew and Peter, we too are called - and in this call we feel an urge which is counter cultural - called not to make a lot of money but to find a purpose and meaning in our lives. Sharing the Good News in Mission - is how Glenmarians find a purpose and meaning in our life.
I recently saw an old video clip on youtube of Victor Frankl, a holocaust survivor and author, speaking at a youth conference. He shared his thoughts about belief in others and that many people have a desire to find meaning. His words reminds me that we are not alone in our search to find meaning in our life but that it is a common desire throughout all times. Jesus believed in the Apostles and called them to find that meaning. God believes in us and calls us to find that meaning in our life too.

Search for Meaning - Clip from an old Lecture of Victor Frankl

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